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These programs can be repeated a few times before the swimmer is ready to move on.
Contact for a screening if you are unsure of the program or group. 


learn to swim basic strokes

Learn the basic water skills and initial stroke development. 


Criteria for this program:

In Grade RR, Grade R & Grade 1
Comfortable in the water & willing to submerge
Enter the pool & exit on their own
Deal with different water temperatures
Swim unassisted for 5m


learn to swim basic strokes

Learn the basic of the 4 strokes. 


Criteria for this program

In Grade 1 and above
Comfortable in a deep pool where they cannot stand
Do a front and back float
Roll from back to front float and back again
Blow bubbles in water (2sec) and breath (1 sec) - 10 times
Comfortably kick 25m with board on front and back


learn the 4 strokes
Learn the 4 competitive strokes to the point where they can swim 25m of each with reasonable proficiency. There are 2 sessions per week for these swimmers


Criteria for this program

Hold a glide position with & without a board
Swim 25m Freestyle - maintaining breath control & body position
Swim 25m Backstroke maintaining body position
Kick 10m of Dolphin
Exposure to Breaststroke kick


learn to train
This is the group where swimmers who can already swim 25m of each stroke, refine their technique. Learn the skills to swim within a training squad with the basic FINA rules and competition skills.  There are 2 sessions per week for these swimmers

Those SI swimmers who have completed the program on at least two previous occasions will be invited to attend 1 additional Junior practice.


Criteria for this program

Swim 25m of each stroke according to FINA rules
Do a half dive - streamline without bicycle legs
Understand chain formation and have been introduced to the clock
Glide off the wall with correct setup
Complete a summersault


train to train
This is where swimmers start swimming multiple lengths in a training squad while possessing the ability to maintain technique and skills.  They are further exposed to training and competition skills. The Junior are also challenged physically through more interval training. They will learn goal setting and be challenged to commit to the goals they set. Through this process the athlete starts to take ownership of their swimming. The Junior group is designed to prepare athletes who wish to explore the opportunities to advance into the Youth and Senior level. This is the first level where a commitment to the sport is important for continued success. There are 4 sessions per week for these swimmers.


Criteria for this program

Swim 50m of each stroke with a start, turn and finish
Streamline push off with under water work
Racing start
Leave on the clock independently and swim in a chain
Introduced to medley and turns


train to compete
Emphasis is placed on both stroke technique and training. This program allows swimmers to participate in other sports besides their summer focus sport of swimming.


Criteria for this program

Swimmers must be a minimum of 12 years who actively participate in club swimming competitions.

Individual Instruction

Individual Instruction will be available by appointment via a separate booking and payment system.

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